Monday, March 17, 2008

A Perfect Sunday

3P.M. wine tasting with V-Spot crew where everyone had just woken up only an hour before and was seriously hungover. Equipped with coffees, gatorade, and sunchips, we all reluctantly drank 26 bottles of wine. Our manager told us we could spit but fuck who wants to waste all that wine? What do you guys smell was answered by, "I smell rotting fruit! I smell urinal cake! Jigga what? I smell feces!" What do you guys taste was answered by, "I taste fruity bramling bushes! Mmmm it's world class! I taste wine! I taste earthy funk! Everything tastes great with sun chips!" You can't even handle the maturity, class, and sophistication that was "broughtened!"

We later trampled through the streets, drunk, carrying the leftovers of all 26 bottles, to Elly's boyfriend's apt. Tried to get Taco Bell but goddammit it was shut down! Holly had a nervous meltdown right there.

Of all the places to eat in Manhattan, all we wanted was a beefy burrito! We settled for cheesesteak, fries, and 3 large pizzas. Mmmmmmmm the perfect Sunday!

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