Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Trip to North Carolina- Day 1:

Rich and I drove 9.5 hours from NJ to NC. The ride wasn't as bad as I thought it would be, considering I can't even sit through a 90 minute movie. But then again I slept through most of the ride, specifically after every time I ate Roy Rogers curly fries and bacon cheeseburgers and every time my brother started on one of his army stories.

I was awake for the last 3 hours of the ride after we stopped for a Monster Java. We had good deep brother-sister talks about life. You know, relationships, family, career, and titty bars.

Arrived at Fayetteville around 9:30pm and met some of his roommates. None of them seemed particularly interested to see me. I doubt they'd have even looked up if I walked in naked- which them being military men doesn't speak so much for me. His roommate's girlfriend came home and was incredibly hostile towards me, choosing to ignore me before I even had the chance to offend her. Rich went outside to have a cigarette and I was like, "Oh you know what? I need a cigarette too," even though I don't even smoke because sitting next to her was more awkward than getting a pap smear by your friend's mom.

Later on I met Rich's friend Vina. "Vina, meet Nina." She was such an awesome person and so welcoming, here I almost thought all southerners were rude assholes. She proved me wrong. Then again, she was from Denmark.

We sat around her kitchen, I told my usual hilariously entertaining stories, drank some Jack and Diets, and I shared a bed with my brother- Due to limited sleeping arrangements, not the whiskey.

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