Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Thailand: Week 1: Bangkok

Phewf! This took me long enough, didn't it? I'm almost up to date with all of my projects so I'm hoping I can go through some of my pictures from Thailand to give you guys a recap.

We landed in Bangkok and spent our first week in the city. I wanted to make sure my boyfriend got to see everything, so on our first morning we got up early and headed to the temples. My mum and her boyfriend took us around so it was like a little sightseeing double date.

We started with The Grand Palace and The Emerald Buddha Temple, then Wat Pho (The Reclining Buddha Temple- or relaxing Buddha as my boyfriend liked to call it), and then took a little boat across the Chao Phraya River to Wat Arun (Temple of Dawn). We climbed up the extremely steep and narrow steps up the side of the temple to see beautiful views of the city from the top. I was so scared of falling forward on my way down that I scooted down on my bum, clutching the railing.

After a hot afternoon of visiting temples (there's barely an shade at the temples and you have to wear proper clothing that covers your arms and legs) we decided to cool off by taking a boat down to the famous Oriental Hotel for a cocktail. We were still jetlagged (and exhausted from walking around in the heat) so we tucked ourselves in right after dinner.

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