Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Sunshine after the monsoon

I've had a rough couple of days lately. I was out till 7am Saturday night/Sunday morning and had to wake up to move all my shit from my Hoboken apartment to my new studio in Manhattan. (Insert little celebratory dance). Though I was very excited to move into my new place I felt like vomiting each time I lifted a box or took a step. I couldn't do much after the move so I laid on the couch, ordered sushi, and watched 10 straight hours of the Olympics. The following morning I had to go to the doctor for the several bug bites on my legs that had spread into a bumpy itchy rash. Mosquitoes? Spiders? The Hep? Doctor told me not to worry, it seemed like an allergic reaction to something. Possibly a new razor or lotion I was using. She completely ignored the little holes in my leg where clearly something had inserted its little stinger or suction nozzle into me. As I walked out of the doctor's office I was once again faced with a monsoon that had started outside. Why is it that I'm always stuck in a rainstorm? I thought perhaps it has just been a rainy summer but my friend Mary argued that I am stuck in rainstorms more than the average person. She thinks maybe God is trying to teach me to laugh at life. I think I laugh plenty and I think I can manage to do it while staying dry. My umbrella was absolutely useless as I walked through waters up to my knees. I looked like I had gone for a swim in all of my clothes. NOT a happy clam.

On top of that for 3 days in my new apartment I have not been able to get cell phone reception. A text may come through every now and then, hours after it had been sent and no longer relevant. I went to the Tmobile store and asked what I could do. They suggested calling Tmobile tech support except how do I do that when I can't make calls? They said I could buy a router but their system was down and so no one can make purchases at their store. They were calling Verizon to come fix the system. How ironic.

Today I was finally able to buy a Tmobile router that's supposed to get me better reception and since my calls would be made over Wi Fi they would be free. I took all the contents out of the box and was immediately discouraged. Wires, things wrapped in plastic, instruction manual, and installation CD. Installation CD? Great. I was going to have to interrupt my gchat conversations to restart my computer. I had to step away. I put the box down and watched TV.

I was mentally recharged and so I attempted to look at the instruction manual. To my surprise it looked rather simple. Pictures, arrows, words, numbered things. Yet still, I managed to be confused. The pictures in the manual didn't look like the pieces in front of me. In true Nina fashion I tossed the manual and began plugging and unplugging things, forcing different wires into various orifices like a challenged 4 year old trying to shove a square block into a triangular hole. And to think, people always tell me I never finish what I start. I was determined to get cell phone reception, dammit, and I got it! And my mysterious rash is beginning to go away. Phone reception, the rash, and the skies are beginning to clear up after all.

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