Monday, July 13, 2009


Kao Mun Gai (chicken rice) - another Thai favorite

Iced Dessert (ice with coconut milk and tapioca-esque stuff)

Dinner and dessert = $2. Fantastic.


Lali said...

its 3am. i should be asleep. i need to be up by 6:30 to start my monday....and all i can think about is eating some yummy homemade thai food. and hanging with you of course......

can i be cheesy and start a know like those annoying banners people put up to countdown to whatever stupid life event is occuring

"i am getting married in _ days"
"i am knocked up, and popping out a mini in _ weeks"

mine will say
"i get my wife back and will be able to eat thai food,piopio and throw her a hello kitty party in _days..oh and i will get drunk with her and wear black leggings"

*sigh. o am going to try to sleep again....

Nina said...

awww. i an going to miss all the cheap yummy food the most i think. it's amazing.

your countdown cracked me up. i do miss my everyday black leggings! less than 3 wks. scary but i am looking forward to seeing you : )