Tuesday, March 25, 2008


A reblog from Julia Allison's reblog:

Guy: i might check out your blog
Lena: hmm. okay. can't stop you ;)
Guy: well, if you think i might get the wrong (or a skewed) idea of you by reading the blog, maybe i should stay away from it altogether.
Lena: thanks. if you can't help yourself, i'll forgive you. but i'd like for you get to know me first.
Guy: well, the important thing is that i understand conceptually what the blog(s) mean for your life.
Lena: haha conceptually? the blog means i smile and nod when perfect strangers ask me about my love life in public. it means i started having panic attacks over the holidays. it means every time my mother calls me, i am terrified she's found out. it also means i know for sure that i want to write, and that i know what it feels like to be able to really resonate with people, to make someone half a world away not feel alone because i expressed some feeling they couldn't put into words themselves. i think the most important thing is that i learned those who love me will continue to love me no matter what, but the blog will prevent a lot of people from ever getting to know me well enough to appreciate me beyond what's online. and i guess that's why i don't really want you to read it. yet.

I only found out about a month ago what TMI stood for (Too Much Information for those who are also not in the know) and that was only because someone was telling me that I was sharing TMI. I was surprised especially since I did not consider the story I was telling to be anything out of the ordinary. I tell many stories that start with, "One time...." or "Oh god, last night..." or "If you think that's bad, listen to this..."- without really thinking twice about it. It's what I do- I tell stories and being a narcissist, they're mostly about me. But also being a self-deprecating narcissist they're usually ridiculously embarrassing or incriminating stories about myself. Last year I started my blog that's pretty much about anything and everything. I typically don't give out my blog to people I've just met, especially people I'm dating, for the same reasons as Lena. People would pre-judge and draw conclusions about me. In this day and age when everyone can be googled there's no mystery anymore. Don't get me wrong,I'm guilty of it as well- I go straight home to google people after I meet them. It's just too tempting-like an unattended phone (ha), too easy- Especially how fast paced my life is- I don't have that much time, so sometimes when I meet someone I want all their stats in front of me to see if it's even worth my time. But the other end of this spectrum- it can be really nice to slowly get to know someone- to learn something new about them each time you hang out- as long as you're not finding out on the third date that they're married or a registered sex-offender.

Nobody wants to be pre-judged- you don't want someone finding out something about you-without knowing the story behind it. But in the end though, I wouldn't want someone who couldn't handle the details disclosed by my blog. I mean, if you stuck around you would eventually have to find out who the real me is anyway. I wouldn't want to have to pretend I'm something that I'm not. So here it is people, I'm fucking nuts- now love me.

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