Thursday, March 17, 2011

graphic designer

We interrupt our regularly scheduled broadcast...

Last month I was a little stressed out about what to do with my blog. I was using a host that was way out of my budget and debated just scrapping the whole site. Then I was referred to Tionne, an NY based graphic designer, to figure out my options. I just wanted to say that I'd recommend him to anyone. He helped transfer my old posts to a new host, added new custom touches, and was incredibly helpful with all of my tech challenged questions. His prices are super reasonable and he keeps you posted the entire time on how the work is coming along. Once I figure out what I want to do with this site, I'll be going back to him again for a new design.

If you're in need of a new header or site design, or any graphic design work, I'd definitely check out Tionne here.

And he consults via email so if you live far away you can still work with him. I never had to pick up a phone or get on the subway. Perfect for my hermit tendencies!

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