Monday, December 13, 2010

getting in the spirit

I tend to get a little down when the holiday season rolls around and I miss my family more than ever. I know this is something I need to get used to...with the lives we all chose to live it seems we will constantly be separated by oceans and $800 plane tickets.

I'm determined not turn into a Grinch this year and to focus on all the great things in my life and make this grown up version of Christmas (no more sleeping under the Christmas tree and peeing on everyone's presents) something to look forward to.

With 12 days left until Christmas, I'm going to make a list of things I could do to get more into the spirit. I saw a list of 25 Christmas Challenges via Rockstar Diaries, based around bettering yourself and bringing cheer to others,  and decided to modify it and make it my own. So here it is:

12 Days of Christmas Spirit-ness:

1) Do a good deed anonymously.

2) Try to forgive someone who has wronged you, be reconciled.

3) Phone or send a card to an old friend or family member.

4) Try to be as kind as possible to others today.

5) Do volunteer work for some worthy cause.

6) Tell someone you love them.

7) Make goals for yourself, seal a copy in an envelope to be opened in a year.

8 ) Only say positive things today.

9) Tell somebody something you love about them.

10) Go out of your way- befriend someone who needs a friend.

11) Make a Christmas treat for someone else.

12) Eat lots of sugar cookies. (Hey, it's good for your soul).

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