Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Stupid news...

I was at dinner last night at Iron Sushi ( Third Ave and 31st St...sooo yummy!) with M and we were in giggle fits over the news headlines of the day. As you know I spend a lot of my afternoons at home these days and I was doing some packing with the 12 o'clock news on. I was so bored by how much coverage the new White House dog, Bo, got. I mean, really? One of the daughters is allergic and the dog is hypoallergenic. The First Family is going to have to train the dog and give it lots of attention. blah. blah. blah. And then another 30 minutes all about Portuguees Water Dogs. GROAN.
(love this image by the way)

And then! A quick 2 second clip showing a woman getting rescued from a polar bear pit at a zoo in Berlin. That's it. Blink and it was over. Come on, News Team! Less boring Water Dog, more polar bear mauling stupid woman please! It was just a teaser. "More on this story at 5." I waited anxiously. (I have not much else to do). And the story was great! Woman jumped in to the pit because she was distraught over losing her job. She wanted to kill herself. The best part was how hard she was trying to escape, clinging to the ropes thrown to her by emergency rescuers. I mean, come on, Lady! Make a decision and stick to it! You wanna die, you don't wanna die...


Unknown said...

lol. i love you.

Anonymous said...

What a way to go! That would have been awesome if she just stood there and took it. And egged them on if they weren't killing her fast enough.

Did you hear they talked some guy off of jumping from the building on the corner of 71 and 35 in Eatontown today? Apparently he escaped from the courtroom and ran up there.

Unless he really took a nosedive, he would have ended up breaking an ankle at most. That building is like 5 stories. Come on dude.

-Britt J

kim said...

That polar bear lady needs some serious help. SERIOUS.