Monday, October 12, 2009

And remember, Love is possible

I set out this weekend with so many plans and of course I ended up not following through with any of them. Typical of me because I hate having plans. Instead I got to see my two playmates in one weekend. I had a much needed night out with H where we danced on tables and then went back to her place, ordered food and fell asleep in all our clothes and jacket before the food arrived. Rockstars we are.

Sunday was a gorgeous fall day and I decided to just go for a walk. I passed through the vendors at Union Square and saw some really awesome prints and paintings. I really wanted to buy something but I wanted so many and couldn't decide. I came across a print that said "Love is possible" that just made me smile. I went back today to get it but the vendor wasn't there. I'm going to have to check back.

Last night I went to watch the Yankee (woot woot!) game with the fabulous Miss Brit and a few other friends. I hadn't seen Miss Brit in almost a month and every time I see her I realize why I love her so much. She warms my Bunwin heart and had me cracking up the entire time. I need her in larger doses.

This photo isn't Miss B, obvi, but I just thought it was funny. We continued to drink heavily after the game until...well...I can't say actually. As Bionic Woman would say, I was in a "circumstance." wink wink.

I woke up hungover but still smiling from the wonderful, much needed weekend. Bring it on, Monday, I'm ready to take on the week!

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