Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Funny People

I've been wanting to see Funny People since its release last summer but everyone told me it was a pretty depressing movie. I finally got around to watching it last night with The Boy (we're doing ok. I stopped being crazy) and I don't know what everyone was talking about. Adam Sandler plays a famous comedian who finds out he's dying and hires Ira Wright, played by Seth Rogen, to help him write new material and sort out his life. I thought the characters were great, showing that some humor comes from pain, and loved watching the journey of the young struggling comedians, Ira Wright and Leo Koenig, played by Jonah Hill. The jealousy, doubt, and competition reminded me of something my friends and I- as aspiring actors, writers, models, directors- can relate to. Def add this to your Netflix! So many laugh out loud jokes!


steph said...

I thought it was okay and watched it with DLC....I think there was a lot of lip locking happening as well ;)

nina said...

try watching it over without the making out! it's so funny! : )