Monday, December 14, 2009

someone who...

Hello Monday! Oh my goodness I had such a massive hangover yesterday, I stayed in bed til 8PM! I finally got out of bed because I felt like I was getting bed sores. I did get to read more of Pillars of the Earth which is so addicting. I get so into it that I think I'm living in the 12th century and I say things like "my lady" and "good day sir."

While I was laying in bed I was also texting Bionic Woman (we're a little attached to our bbm), plotting how I could get this boy to notice me and laughing about our weekend. We were chatting with two boys at a party when one of them asked me what I do. I said I was writing a book and he said, "Have you heard of 'The Red Fern?" I answered, "No," and he said, "Oh, well it's a great book. You should write that." UM...

Bionic started laughing and said, "It's like saying, 'Oh you're an inventor? Have you heard of the wheel? You should invent that.'" Seriously. These are the retards that I meet.

I got to thinking about how I know exactly what I want and don't want yet can't seem to find it. Here's a short but specific list of what I'm looking for. Someone who...

It's not asking too much right? Can Santa wrap this person up for me and deliver him by Christmas? Thanks.


Steph said...

Did he mean Where the Red Fern Grows? Sounds like he hasn't read a book since grade 7.

BTW, whats your book about?

Teach.Workout.Love said...

oooohhh me too!!!!!!

and hangovers that last the entire day SUCK!