Tuesday, June 3, 2008

A Go Girl morning

Generally, my mornings are accompanied by a multitude of frustrations from my dress blowing up when I walk over subway grates to coffee lids popping off causing me to spill my entire coffee on myself. Not to mention the injustice alone of having to wake up before 1pm. This morning, however, everything seemed to go surprisingly smoothly. Caught my bus on time, picked up my Raspberry mocha frappucino from Sbux with only a 10 minute wait, the usual firemen telling me I look lovely...etc. What made my morning though was a jogger I stopped next to at the light. She had her ipod on and was rocking out on the corner. She was swaying her hips and throwing her arms up, just totally loving life and I couldn't help but smile at her. She smiled back, pointed to my ipod and said, "Girl, don't hold back. You know you got a good song on. Let loose!" And you know what? I was listening to a damn good song, Pitbull's Go Girl, and so, there on the corner of 38th and Ninth Ave, 2 random strangers who were loving life shook their asses to their own beats.

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