Monday, June 16, 2008

A whale back?

A few weeks ago Mary texted me with this conversation she overheard:

Guy 1: Ok let me tell you something, whenever you see a group of girls together at a bar there is always one that is an anchor.
Guy 2: A what?
Guy 1: An anchor. You know, someone who holds them all back and it's usually some broad backed bitch!

This past weekend my girlfriend had a friend who was visiting NYC and was staying with her. Me and gf were planning on going out dancing and this visiting friend (VF) wanted to come along. While GF loves VF she posed her dilemma to me bluntly- "This is NYC and we're definitely not getting past velvet ropes with VF tagging along." I started cracking up, "Oh my god! VF is your anchor!"

I explained this dilemma to my girl, K, who was also in town saying, "Seriously. This is NYC. They're not gonna let fatties or uglies in." Kate, appalled by my open shallowness, replies, "Oh my god. I hope I never get fat. You totally wouldn't be my friend anymore." To which I replied, "Well, just don't get fat and we wouldn't have a problem."

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