Thursday, February 11, 2010

snow day snuggles

I went over to a certain boy's apartment on Tuesday  to get ready for the snow day we were to have on Wednesday. I brought over his cake which I think he liked. I ate more than half of it so he didn't really have all that much to taste. ha.

We watched the beautiful snow fall and stick to the branches outside his window. I wanted to make jello shots (ala college snow days) and make snowmen but we didn't get very far from the couch. Instead we drank Wild Turkey (warms you up!), ate birthday cake, and watched movies. I finally watched Vicky Cristina Barcelona. Loved it and though Penelope Cruz rocked as the crazy ex wife. I love Woody Allen films.

So 44 hours later I left his apartment as the sun was setting. This is the only picture I have of the gorgeous snowy day.

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