My girlfriends and I have been trying to plan a getaway and this seemed to be the cheapest option that also fit into our their calendar. After haggling with Priceline Negotiator for an hour I put in my credit card info to purchase and crossed my fingers that it wouldn't decline. The tickets were over my balance limit by $6 so I needed to pay this months bill early for it to work. But before I paid the credit card bill I needed to check my bank account to make sure I had enough money.
The boy said to me, "Maybe this isn't a good time to be booking a trip if you need to check your accounts to see if you have enough money." I told him, "Please just let me live in la la land for a little bit longer."
3 weeks till Utah! la la la...
it woud be insane NOT to come. best powder on earth. can't wait to see you!
ugh I am currently unemployed too! Not having money is the WORST. I nearly had a break down in Top Shop today because everything was so pretty and I'm so poor. But I just applied to a job so fingers crossed! I'll keep mine crossed for you too! And you have to live a little, money or no money, right?!
sometimes you gotta just go with it and say fuck it and do what makes you happy even if it makes NO sense and pay the consequences later. hey--your already broke, so all that can happen is you can become more broke.
you only live once!
thanks guys : ) hopefully it'll all work out. And kelly, I love top shop! and good luck on your interview!!
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