Friday, May 1, 2009

If you were stranded on a deserted island...

My dears, can you recommend me a good book to take with me to the islands? Has anyone read Persepolis or French Milk? If so, did you like it? Also, as you know, my funds are kinda low, any books you want to lend me? I would greatly appreciate it and might bring you back a seashell.


Unknown said...

we will take a lil trip to Astoria and you can borrow what ever you would like from my collection.

Teach.Workout.Love said...

Have u read anything by Auguston Burroughs?

If u like chick lit,, try Jennifer Weiner all of her books are awesome

Or Twilight!!! :)

Nina said...

I have read Augustens...def a big no to Twilight (hated it : / ) but I might check out JW. thanks : )

Anonymous said...

Book I'm obsessed with right now is "As a Man Thinketh" - James Allen

Anytime I'm in a funk I can pick it up and turn to any page and it puts shit in perspective. It's philosophical but easy reading. Very empowering.

-Britt J